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S.R. Public has fully A.C. Campus as well as b_

Welcome  to S.R. Public School


Late Sh. Sada Ram Ji (1916 to 2002)


S.R. Education Society

About Our School

S.R. Public School was founded by Honourable Late Shri Sada Ram Ji. Our school is deeply indebted to Founder of S.R. Educational Society who evinced keen interest in its functioning. He always considered money as a means to promote human welfare through dissemination of knowledge. The school initiated with classes from Nursery to XII to impart broad-based education to boys and girls with an aim to develop their minds and also their Physique, Skills, Personality and Leadership traits to shape them into worthy and dynamic citizens.

The strength of the education system of S.R. Public School is the presence of creative and innovative atmosphere nurtured by the self-exploration of enquire, experiment and to find the truth in the best spirit of commandership and indomitable will. Student's physical development is catalyzed across intellectual, social, emotional, spiritual and aesthetic domains. Student progress is facilitated through a mature and mutually benefitting school-parent relationship.

Management Society

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